Karnak temple is the biggest temple in Egypt, it is located on the eastern bank of the river Nile , it consists of several temples on the territory of Karnak as it is a monumental complex witnesses the golden thousands of years when the great pharaohs ruled Egypt and built the massive constructions of the glorious ancient Egyptian civilization.
The temple of Goddess Myt , the wife of God Amen - Re the god of the sun and the lord of deities , in the front of the temple stands the fabulous obelisk of Ramsis the second, the twin obelisk now is in Paris in the freedom square because it was given as a present from the King Muhamed Ali, the massive granite statues are in the both sides of the entrance are representing the Pharaoh sitting on the throne, in this temple you will see monuments of 4 different great civilizations ( ancient Egyptian, Greek, Christian, Islam).
western bank
- The valley of the kings
- Temple of queen hatshipsut
- Colossi of Memnon
The valley of the kings
It was called the Great, Noble Necropolis of Millions of years of Pharaohs, and for 500 years was the burial place of Egypt's New kingdom rulers, 62 tombs and 20 unfinished pits have been found, No 2 royal tombs in the valley of the Kings are precisely alike, the greatest ancient Egyptian pharaohs have been buried there like : Ramsis 2, Ramsis 3, Ramsis 4, Ramsis5/6, Tutankhamen, Set 1, Thutmes 3, and more
The two gigantic statues of the great pharaoh Amenhotep the third, the were guarding the main entrance of the temple that was destroyed in 27 B.C by the earthquake, we still have the remains of the temple in its place, they were called Memnon because of a myth of God Memnon (a mythical African warrior slain by Achilles in the Trajan war) , travelers claimed that they heard a sound and that sound is the cry of Memnon.
The temple was cut into the mountain of Qurna, it was built as a mortuary temple by queen Hatshipsut, the only female pharaoh who ruled Egypt during the New kingdom, the temple has a unique architecture with a beautiful design of 3 opening terraces one above the other with a central staircases leading to the top of the temple which reminds us the raise above the horizon.
It's the second largest religious structure in Egypt after Karnak temple, it was preserved better than any other monument because it was buried in the sand for long time, it's the temple of God Horus the protector warrior who struggled to revenge for his father's murder, his father (God Osiris) was killed by his brother Seth so the war was very long between the young God and his uncle, as always the right wins in the end and Horus killed Seth in the spot that the Greeks decided to build his temple under the the name the place of revenge or the place of victory.
It's one of the rare temples that was built for 2 Gods, God Horus ( falcon headed God) and God Sobek ( crocodile God), the temple is divided into 2 parts, you will see one of the oldest calendars in the world and you will know how Egyptians divided the years into seasons, months, days and etc., you will see the Nilemeter where priests calculated taxes.
About 280 km to the south of Aswan you can visit the iconic temple which was cut out of the mountains of the Nubian desert, that's the most impressive sightseeing on the borders between Egypt and Sudan, the enormous temple of the greatest king in the history Ramsis 2, it's considered as a memorial temple , the walls of the temple are richly decorated of military scenes of the battle of Kadesh in the 5th year of the reign of Ramsis 2, the king consider himself as a god in various scenes in the temple which is one of the rare events that happend in the Egyptian history , the complex of Abu simbel contains the beautiful temple of queen Nefertari, the most beloved wife of about 25 wives of Ramsis 2.
- The high dam and monument of friendship
- Philae temple
The high dam and monument of friendship
The high dam was built to protect the Egyptian territory from the overflow of the the river Nile which happens every year and control the level of water in all Egypt, and one of the priorities was to store long terms storage of water in a reservoir that's why the Lake Naser was made , it's the largest man made lake in the world, the project was mainly financed and supervised by the Soviet Union. so you can visit the high monument of friendship between Egypt and the Soviet Union.
The temple of Goddess Isis , the Goddess of love, joy, music and motherhood, it's located on a beautiful island during the Greeks period and it's considered as the the first religious temple was built by the Ptolomies, you will enjoy the positive and cool vibes and atmosphere, Isis and her son Horus are portrayed on the most of the walls of the temple to show that she was a beloved mother, and her scenes with her husband God Osiris prove that she was a devoted wife.